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In accordance with the guidelines of the NCUI, the state cooperative union is organizing cooperative week celebrations in the state during november of every year. As a part of this, the state level inauguration, validity function, cultural procession, state level seminar and public meeting are also arranging. The stste level essay and elocution competitions for school/college and JDC/HDC & BM students are also conducting. Certificates and cash awards for the winners are distributing. For the best cooperative training centres and college trophys are distributing in the public function held in connecton with the state level inauguration of cooperative week.
Kerala Cooperative Journal achieved two awards from National Cooperaive Union of India,New Delhi for All India Best Cooperative Journal for the year 2003 & 2004. State Cooperative Union, Keralawas awarded for excellence in achieving training needs to the banking activities in cooperatives.
Every year Union conduct Annual World Childrens Picture Contest for the school students under the guide lines issued by NCUI, New Delhi and IE-No-HIKARI,Japan.Nearly 200 children are being participated for the picture contest every year.