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The Kerala State Cooperative Union has the distinction of the first organization to start cooperative training in the country and it continued to develop cooperative training institutions in the State. The Cooperative Colleges and Training Centers in Kerala situated at major district places. The Higher Diploma in cooperation and Junior Diploma in cooperation are conducted by these institutions.
This is a Post Graduate Diploma Course of 11 months duration including two months practical training. The minimum qualification for education to the HDC course is a University Degree. The course is conducted at 8 Cooperative Training Colleges of which one is under the management of NSS at Kottayam. The admission of candidates is purely on merits of marks. Usually HDC&BM course will start during the month of August every year. The application forms will be had from the cooperative training colleges.
Besides this, the State Cooperative Union is arranging the Leadership management Programme and Management development programme for the Leaders and Chief Executives of the Cooperative Institutions every year at various places in the State.
These programmes have been useful in creating awareness among the cooperative leaders in the state about their duties, responsibilities and trends in the Cooperative movement which remains to be done inculcating the entrepreneurial skills among cooperative leaders.
It is proposed by the State Cooperative Union to lay more emphasis on this aspect of the leadership programme during the coming years.
The Kerala State Cooperative Union realized this and made extensive arrangements for conducting member education programme in the state.
Member Education Scheme sponsored by the National Cooperative Union Of India, NewDelhi was introduced in kerala in 1957 as a pilot project and it is being implemented by the NCUII from time to time. Cooperative Education programme is now being implemented by the state cooperative union as per the scheme for the utilization of cooperative education fund approved by the registrar of cooperative societies, kerala and as recommended by the managing committee of the state cooperative union every year. All expenses incurred for this scheme are met from the cooperative education fund remitted by the cooperative societies out of their net profit.
As discussed earlier, the state of kerala has 23965 Nos (as on 31.03.2004) cooperatives spread over in 14 districts. The major activity of the state cooperative union is educating the members, managing committee members, prospective members, women and youth & public etc.
In order to achieve this, the union conducts a variety of programmes, such as cooperative camps, rallies, seminars, conferences, attending general body meetings, conducting leadership development programmes & management development programmes arranging lectures in colleges and schools on cooperation, organizing debates and essay competitions, organizing special programmes for women, weaker sections etc..
A Central Board of examinatios is constituted as per examination rules framed by the state cooperative union. The board consisting of 8 members of which the registrar of cooperative societies is the chairman. The secretary, state cooperative union is the member secretary of the board. The functioning of the board includes conducting HDC & BDM, JDC examinations, publication of result and issue of diplomas.The chairman of the state cooperative union and the members elected by the managing committee are other members of the board.