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STATE CO-OPERATIVE UNION, KERALA, established by Government of Kerala, as per section 89 of Kerala Co-operative Societies Act 1969, came into existence in 1970. STATE CO-OPERATIVE UNION presently focuses on providing Co-operative Education, Co-operative Training, Assisting Co-operative Organisations in its growth and to carry out Co-operative propaganda.
The cooperative movement in the erstwhile Travancore and Cochin states which are the parts in the prsent state of Kerala, originated as a result of initiative taken by Sir.P.Rajagopalachari, the then Diwaan of the pricely state of Travancore.According to his direction and suggestions a model bill was introduced before the legslative couciland the first cooperative societies act was passed on 3.3.1914. Subsequently sir.C.Govinda Pillai, a government servent was deputed to madras to study the pattern and administration of cooperative societies there. He was posted as the first Registrar of Cooperative societies in the Travancore.
The activities of the State Cooperative Union can be classified broadly into four categories as follows:-
Any type of organization succeeds if its base is strong. Co-operative are institution came into existence for helping their members through self help and mutual help. The members being the base of any co-operative enterprise, their enlightenment involvement and active participation in its working and management, their loyalty towards the organization..Read more
The Kerala State Cooperative Union has the distinction of the first organization to start cooperative training in the country and it continued to develop cooperative traininginstitutions in the state. The cooperative training colleges and training centres in kerala situated at major district head quarters. The higher Diploma in cooperation and business management..Read more
State Cooperative Union is publishing an Anglo-Malayalam monthly called "Kerala Cooperative Journal".Its circulation is about 10000 copies throughout the state. This journal published by the union is quite popular in all over the state and the country. This publicationcontains news, views, reviews, reports, discussions, goverment orders, circulars of registrar of CS..Read more
Being non official spokesperson of the cooprative movement in kerala, the state cooperative union constituted a research wing in the head office to assess the impact of its function and explore new avenues in the field of cooperative education and training and to collect the statistical data in respect of cooperatives in the state from time to time..Read more
The Kerala State Cooperative Union has the distinction of the first organization to start cooperative training in the country and it continued to develop cooperative training institutions in the State. The Cooperative Colleges and Training Centers in Kerala situated at major district places. The Higher Diploma in cooperation and Junior Diploma in cooperation are conducted by these institutions.